Birds International's registration covers the species Cacatua haematuropygia and Guarouba guarouba making it the only CITES registered operation for both of them.
It is the person, not the business, who is registered for VAT and each registration covers all the business activities of the registered person.
Until now, the registration and community notification provisions of the law covered offenders of all ages.
Your registration covers all the premises you use to provide gaming.
Full $75 registration covers all evening magic shows and lectures.
When you go to a conference - and they're always in some interesting place -and your registration covers the meals you get, do you add that on to your income?
The one registration covers Federal, State and Local voter registration.
(106) Each registration for a published, updated database covers only the additions that were published on the date specified in the application as the date of publication.
However, because such a registration covered only the new material added on the given date of publication, many published updates and additions were not registered.
Each registration covers all the business activities of the registered person.