Walker thought he heard a squeak, but it barely registered above the roaring in his ears.
His blood-alcohol level registered 0.20, well above the state's legal limit of 0.08.
When breathalysed, he registered way above the limit.
"If you register above 97 degrees, you pass," he lamented.
If the noise registers above a certain level, the television mute function of the emergency device is activated.
My voice was low and hoarse with waking, barely loud enough to register above the drumming of the rain outside.
After testing, the musician registered a blood alcohol level just above .08 - the legal limit in California.
Seismologists said they counted more than 200 aftershocks, including seven that registered above 4 on the Richter scale.
By late today, seismologists registered two aftershocks above magnitude 5.
Cars can be programmed not to start if the alcohol level registers above a minimum level.