They should be regionally specific yet globally applicable, and backed up by a solid plan and the capability to move the solution forward.
In certain regions of the world, the company's snack food products are produced under regionally specific names such as Sabritas and Walkers.
For the first time evidence for regionally specific territories occurs, as well as limited gardening of squash, which later became very important.
The graves and sites related to regionally significant figures who might be ethnically or regionally specific, rather than of national significance.
The pencak silat shown in the film is regionally specific to West Sumatra.
Programs that offer regionally specific content while providing the economic benefits of syndication can be especially appealing to potential affiliates.
Stylistically, they were governed by the regionally specific architectural orders.
What they are after is merely the one particular, class-bound, ethnically determined and regionally specific manner of speaking that every character must have.
But we know our partners' limits and will work with them to phase in change and to identify regionally specific needs and solutions.
Thus landscape ecology is concerned mainly with the populations and ecosystems which have resulted from traditional, regionally specific forms of land use.