He first worked in the family grocery business and then was a regional supervisor for Provigo from 1970 to 1973.
Customer service was also centralized, and regional supervisors were given a lot of authority to deal with customers and decide how to spend their budgets.
Questioning a regional supervisor or V.P. for planning is one thing.
He recommended to the regional supervisor that the appeals be dismissed without review because the environmental studies called for would take at least eight years.
From time to time, regional supervisors and group vice presidents would also issue credit approvals.
The most junior of these acts as a regional supervisor who manages the activities of area staff.
It's this big company with regional supervisors and catalogs and brochures and everything.
Both teacher and psychologist said they were not allowed to disagree with their regional supervisor, Louise Kapner.
Mr. Farthing, the regional supervisor, wrote back to say a census review would catch inaccuracies.
Branch managers and regional supervisors benefited financially as well.