The Italian Government's fiscal resolve is coming under increasing pressure from rising unemployment and deepening regional separatism.
'Anti-Spain' was embodied by liberalism, atheism, freemasonry, international Jewry and regional separatism.
Mr. Yeltsin's decrees seem increasingly ineffective, and the center seems ever more powerless to halt regional separatism.
Democratic reform led to greater regional separatism, and this led to a total collapse of the administrative system, which had kept the economy from a total crash.
During the Franco dictatorship (1939 - 1975), Olentzero was banned as a symbol of regional separatism.
But after decades of economic mismanagement,perestroika has unleashed only popular discontent and regional separatism, rather than the surge in output its architects intended.
The origins myth appeared, especially during the Second World War, allow the dangers of regional separatism and annexation to Germany.
In southern France this ideology was tied up with regional separatism.
The politics of the status quo has also failed so far to deal adequately with the rise of regional and ethnic separatism.
This origins myth provided an historical premise, especially during the Second World War, for regional separatism and annexation to Germany.