Community addresses fair working conditions, local and regional relations, social ventures, capacity building, community-based natural resource management.
The area of cooperation is primarily focused on agriculture, regional relations and the development of the region.
But it will build strong local and regional relations over the long term, and the hard work just might yield the festival everyone wants.
The objective of joining the EU has also influenced Romania's regional relations.
Abdullah took a more independent line from the US and concentrated on improving regional relations, particularly with Iran.
Caribbean regional relations with China are mostly based on trade, credits, and investments, which have increased significantly since the 1990s.
This is the opening of regional relations.
Intricate and interlocking alliances have often characterized regional relations.
So, in a sense the relationship and regional relations between neighbours will be able to work both ways.
We must also encourage continued specific improvements in regional relations through firmer political and economic partnerships between the countries of the region.