Together with its regional partners, the airline operates on average more than 1,530 scheduled flights daily.
Along with its regional partners, the carrier serves 171 destinations in 39 countries worldwide.
"It will rather encourage us to speed up our efforts with our national, regional and international partners in order to achieve that."
In 2010 it helped over 73,000 people and reached many others through its work with local, regional and national partners.
Most regional partners were bound to the network by contract.
I hope that the international community, the regional partners and domestic pressure will put sense into the head of the general.
Ethiopia is working with our regional partners to continue the peace process and bring about national reconciliation in Somalia.
A concerted effort by regional partners and international organisations is the best way forward.
Civil society, local social and regional partners all need to be involved.
He and his team work with regional partners to develop an international strategy for the region.