Since the end of the Cold War, the country has pursued better relations with regional neighbors.
Pretty much since the late 1800s it was being kicked around by its regional neighbours, before the Japanese occupation that began aroun 1905 until 1945.
Throughout the 1970s, the ground was continuously used by Montserrat in its minor matches against regional neighbours.
The regional neighbors' games sometimes ended with disorders at the respective stadiums.
Karpaty, being the best club in the region, often had a difficult time to prove themselves as such with their regional neighbors.
There's no harm in getting New Yorkers and their regional neighbors riled up about a pending disaster.
This collaboration is evidence of Serbia's clear interest in developing and sustaining good relationships with its regional neighbours.
Fishing was their main commerce and when the cod arrived in springtime many regional neighbours came flocking to take part.
Two regional neighbors, Denver and St. Louis, have adopted taxes for cultural purposes, she said.
El Salvador's regional neighbors offer their good offices.