Smart growth values long-range, regional considerations of sustainability over a short-term focus.
The Arab side, on the other hand, "did not comprehend the complexities of the internal situation in Turkey, or that country's regional and international considerations.
Cities are not independent entities - they reflect national and regional considerations.
Instead, Congress made him a general out of regional political considerations.
A common misconception is that the annual federal pay adjustments are determined according to cost of living fluctuations and other regional considerations.
People are influenced not just by political parties or candidates but also by national, regional and local considerations.
The mutineers' objectives, broadcast before the armed forces regained control of the situation, appeared to indicate that they were motivated by religious and regional considerations.
With regard to economic, agricultural, transport and competition policy, for example, regional considerations should be taken into account more.
Is it prepared to consider a contribution/funding for the Bothnia line, a project based on regional considerations?
On their behalf I ask, in the case of the shipbuilding industry, for special consideration within the European Union' s regional and competition policy.