He works with two analysts to talk with regional brokers, scour databases and review company reports, looking for rapid earnings and revenue growth in the last three months.
One former regional broker, who sold his company to a national broker, then went to work for it, said: "Things have really changed.
As recently as five years ago, there were hundreds of regional brokers.
"The regional brokers were really in tune with local tastes and preferences," Mr. Flickinger, the consultant, said.
Products are distributed at the worksite through national and regional brokers and professional benefit communication firms.
Although the exchange had regularly briefed regional brokers like those in Leeds about its plans, it was the first time an executive of any seniority had been present at such a meeting.
"Prices are going through the roof," said Damian Testa, a division president of Kaye Insurance Associates, a regional broker in New York.
Reflecting his roots, Mr. Budge also fought to ensure that small regional brokers were treated fairly in S.E.C. disciplinary cases.
OneBeacon's underwriting companies offer a range of specialty insurance products sold through independent agencies, regional and national brokers, wholesalers and managing general agencies.
This can mean hiring the right law firm, the right regional broker or someone with political ties as a consultant.