I understand that my real crime is having said that, but for my handling of them, the regiments in Upper Germany would have mutinied.
In January 1964, following unrest in Zanzibar, the regiment mutinied.
He was in command when the regiment mutinied in 1743, and followed them that year to Flanders, where they highly distinguished themselves.
All three regiments mutinied against their officers in August of that year in what came to be known as the Nancy Affair.
Soon other regiments in Bulgaria and Rumelia mutinied as did many of the Anatolian soldiers sent in to end the rebellion.
Lucknow was the capital of Oude, and nearly every regiment there and elsewhere in Oude mutinied.
Whole regiments of mercenaries and vassals mutinied and marched back to their own countries, looting and burning as they went.
The regiments under orders for Ireland mutinied; one troop of horse in the city of London seized their own flag, and refused to obey orders.
In 1784, a regiment mutinied over lack of pay.
There are some suggestions that the regiment mutinied and after securing couple of trains tried to return to Odessa.