The regiment fell back to the stolid trees.
Unable to go forward, too proud to retreat, although the regiment behind them had all fallen back.
The regiment fell apart before it got started on the question of whether the soldiers should have weapons or not.
Only one regiment, the 505th of the 82nd, fell accurately.
Scott's shattered regiment fell back with 360 casualties (although some may later have joined Drummond's attack against the fort).
On May 3, the regiment fell back to protect the corps's artillery units and sustained heavy fire.
In the immediate aftermath of the German surrender the regiment fell into a routine of guard duties and time off.
In August 1862, the regiment fell under the control of General John Pope.
The regiment falls under the command of 33 Canadian Brigade Group.
The regiment fell back to the coast, boarded ships for Bombay, and arrived there on 11 June.