Two regiments from the crack 308th division attacked starting at 8:00 pm.
The Pskovian regiment attacked the Livonians first but was thrown back.
The regiment attacked the Ottomans in enfilade and forced them back.
The Brazilian 6th regiment attacked this position at 1800 hours on 28 April 1945, with the support of American tanks.
On the night of 27 November, three regiments from the 80th Division attacked the northern hills and the inlets, completely surprising the defenders.
As the morning's fog lifted, Brubridge's regiments attacked.
Haselrig's regiment now attacked the Royalist foot moving up in support, and drove them back.
Just as these two regiments passed around the enemy's left and attacked his rear, the remainder of the division assailed him in front.
Three regiments attacked the breaches, gaining a foothold in the south but being beaten back in the east.
Between 07:50 and 09:30, two regiments of the 50th Infantry Division (the 180th and the 178th, less its 2nd battalion), attacked.