By 1903, the American regime established a paramilitary government and institutional facilities.
In the 1980s, Assad's regime established a military cooperation with the Soviet Union.
A military regime headed by Major Mathieu Kerekou came to power in 1972 and established a dictatorial government.
Although the commissariat remained the controlling center, the regime established other organizations to deal directly with foreign partners in the buying and selling of goods.
This constituted a message for the future, since the regime had established a strong connection with all past forms.
Totalitarian regimes, in contrast to a dictatorship, establish complete political, social, and cultural control over their subjects, and are usually headed by a charismatic leader.
In order to help to maintain their charismatic authority, such regimes will often establish a vast personality cult.
Rather than a general regime, each man was assessed and a personalised regime of work, recreation and education established.
After the 1934 coup Päts established a moderate authoritarian regime, in which corporate chambers were deemed to play an important role.
The Fascist regime establishes a totalitarian state led by Mussolini as a dictator.