The old regime still control what remains of Cuvier, though their leader - Girardieau - was killed during the disturbance.
The regime also tightly controls the press and broadcasting.
The regime does not and can not control the whole country.
The regime even now is waging a brutal campaign of ethnic cleansing in the parts of Iraqi Kurdistan it still controls.
A separatist regime controls the Transnistria region, east of the Dniester River.
His news, gathered at second hand in the waterfront cafe-bars, was that as yet the new regime controlled barely half the island.
Indeed, in April 1988 civil service manpower targets were dropped and a new regime of running-costs control imposed upon departments.
"The regime still controls the situation," said Naji, who, like everyone who spoke to visiting reporters, said it was too dangerous to give his full name.
The regime cannot control Damascus anymore".
Democratic regimes, having a lot to fear from photographers, control what they can, stage-managing public life as a set of photo ops.