Regardless of the state of the two countries political relations, the commercial relationship is very strong and has been largely fenced off by both governments.
It provided a viable alternative to exile, regardless of the state of his own magic.
That gave him power and influence, regardless of the state of his properties.
Regardless of the state of the economy, they reason, people still eat every day.
But it was strange; every dead animal he had come across, regardless of the state, always had large sections of fur lying about.
The Time Warner deal will be concluded, however, regardless of the state of the market.
Regardless of the state of their naval technology at the start of the war, Rome quickly adapted.
And regardless of the state of the restaurant business in New York, clearly this survey is enjoying enviable success.
With this type of system each vehicle can fight regardless of the state or presence of support vehicles.
You can do this regardless of the state of their eyesight, if they pay tax.