This principle applies regardless of the nature or severity of the disability; no child with disabilities may be excluded from a public education.
Provided a doctor has signed you off sick, these policies should pay up, regardless of the nature or severity of the illness.
Other aspects of care, however, are common to all patients regardless of the nature of their illness.
Regardless of the nature, duration or remuneration of their mission.
A driver must report any driving conviction within 30 days, except parking, to their employer regardless of the nature of the violation.
They also assist the patrol force, if necessary, with investigating any incident that occurs in the Town regardless of the nature.
Regardless of the nature of the creatures, they must be destroyed-whatever the cost.
Risks should be treated the same, regardless of the legal nature and level of complicity of the institution in question.
All 178 House Republicans can be expected to vote against the bill, since they always do so, regardless of the nature of the legislation.
Regardless of the nature and timing of the political settlement, we can almost certainly expect the most massive return of refugees in memory.