This unique design clamps down over the top of your frame, so it works regardless of your bike's size or shape.
Regardless of their size, shape or age, birders have had an impact on environmental policy, campaigning for conservation measures to benefit birds.
The operation is often called piercing, In general the term piercing is used to describe die cut holes regardless of size and shape.
Using this equation it is possible to calculate the bending stress at any point on the beam cross section regardless of moment orientation or cross-sectional shape.
This applies to all fuel tanks regardless of shape - D-Tanks, cylindrical or rectangular.
Murasame is the living sword spirit, rumored to have sway over anything regardless of shape or form.
Historically the term was sometimes used for any shape of basin or ewer so used, regardless of shape.
In the UK point-and-shoot predominantly means a fully automatic camera, regardless of size or shape.
A grain is any individual particle of propellant regardless of the size or shape.
Perhaps their only common denominator, regardless of size, shape, and number of legs, was their need to cure the sick.