In October and November 2012, the band published broadcasts that revealed information regarding the new album.
Currently, no further details regarding the album have been announced and its current status is unknown.
Gavin had this to say regarding the album, "the thing is, it was never meant to be a complete collection.
That is a stiffer standard of proof than was required in the civil judicial proceedings regarding the album.
Critics were almost universally negative regarding the album and almost seemed to view the split with relief.
ZigZag was more positive, regarding the album as an artistic success and an "emphatic statement."
On May 23, 2011, the official track listing and other information regarding the album was released.
Regarding the album, Adams noted, "The record is obsessed with time.
On 18 August 2011, Cardle made his first official announcement regarding the album.
The official release date and details regarding the album have not yet been announced.