Experts contend that veterinarians providing drugs to keep injured horses racing violates state veterinary practice laws regarding proper ethics, standards and practices.
At the training sessions, teachers spend 3-5 days learning about international perspectives regarding pedagogy, curricular requirements, and standards of assessment.
American ideas regarding food, hygiene (and indoor plumbing), entertainment, clothing, living standards and pay scales swept the island.
There is wide variety regarding standards of living in Nairobi.
Proposition 2 is an initiative statute regarding standards for confining farm animals.
We now need to ensure that they respect these rules, and also other less formal rules regarding, for example, social protection and social standards.
Mr Désir, I answered you regarding standards in the labour market.
This report is already the second attempt to formulate the position of the Parliament regarding minimum standards of protection for mothers in the European Union.
And regarding acceptable standards of representation, personally, I welcome all kinds of representation of black people.
In addition, Empire has received positive press coverage regarding its animal welfare and environmental standards.