In most countries, laws are already in place regarding punishment of children that are considered abuse.
Although its provisions regarding capital punishment were repealed in 2008, its other provisions regarding speech and unlawful assembly remain intact.
English classes studied works about death row inmates and students in Law and Government studied New York's laws regarding capital punishment of inmates.
As Attorney General, Nixon has also been heavily involved in controversial decisions regarding school desegregation, capital punishment, and abortion.
The ACLU challenged many of the measures, claiming that they violated rights regarding due process, privacy, illegal searches, and cruel and unusual punishment.
Mormonism's teachings regarding capital punishment originate with older Jewish and Christian teachings.
The law of the day was specific regarding crimes and punishment, and Phelps was cited on numerous occasions for his responsibility in administering the law.
This report contains literary quotations on the death penalty and contemporary U.S. and European practices regarding capital punishment.
In addition he reportedly was ambivalent regarding capital punishment.
Though China has begun to address a widespread problem of domestic violence, there are no specific laws regarding punishment or compensation, and it is still often regarded as a family matter.