Smith spoke out in defense of McCain after critical comments from General Wesley Clark regarding McCain's military experience.
More than ever, Barbara saw the need for silence regarding her experience.
Below is a quote from Pete regarding her experience at Santa Fe:
To the Editor: I read Stella Vietrogoski's letter (Sept. 8) regarding her experience with photo ID requirements.
During the 2010 National Student Survey, final year undergraduates were asked the extent to which they agreed with four positive statements regarding their experience of teaching in their department.
Filmmaker Fay Ann Lee has addressed students across the country and in China regarding her experience making the film.
You should wipe your computer database of all the specifics regarding her experience.
I did so because of reports from colleagues of his unclear performance regarding his experience in the Austrian Court of Audit.
Herfkens recently made the first public statements regarding her experience on "Happening Now" on the Fox News Channel.
Regarding his experience of gambling, Savage notes, "You know the only thing worse than losing big the first time you go into a casino?