Although it is not particularly dangerous, you do need guidance regarding standard safety precautions as well as procedural details.
In that comer a group of important Toledo aficionados was talking with Veneno regarding details of the afternoon fight.
He says the Society adopted such a policy in 1983 regarding details of sexual activity between married couples.
The airfield's staff had been asked to remain secretive regarding details of the storyline.
If successfully promoted, it would reinstate creationism in the teaching of science, after which debates regarding details could resume.
He is an expert regarding critical technical details such as frame rates, pre-records, and 5.1 surround mixing.
It covers more in-depth articles regarding details of Mr. De Hartog's books.
I am oversimplifying a bit here, so let me know if you are asking about a specific detail regarding quantum/relativistic details.
But I will point out that public statements regarding certain details of this case would be politically unwise.
Afterwards, students completed the Personality Adjective Inventory and responded to a questionnaire regarding details of the crime.