With the smashing box-office success of "M*A*S*H" in 1970, Mr. Altman, who has always been regarded warily by Hollywood, broke through to mainstream popularity.
In American dance, politically engaged works have generally been regarded warily.
As a wealthy, white Republican from New Jersey's horse country, Mrs. Whitman has always been regarded warily by many minority leaders.
He is still regarded warily by Saudi officials, who worry that his toned-down message may be a warm-up to renewed attacks.
Another potential suitor for available retailers the May Department Stores Company, which owns Lord & Taylor among other stores, was also regarded warily.
And most newcomers are viewed as change agents to be regarded warily until their effect on the status quo is evaluated.
Goodley didn't feel a chill over his skin, but he did remind himself that Ryan was someone to be regarded warily.
Although many Serbs gave the speech a warm welcome, it was regarded warily by the other Yugoslav peoples and anti-Milošević Serbs.
He suspected that a handful of locals thought of him that way, as an eccentric recluse: someone to be regarded warily, but mainly harmless.
He is regarded warily by partisans of President Reagan because like several other top Bush officials, he seems to rely less on ideology in making policy and more on whatever works.