Exposure to the sun and open air were regarded as fundamentally important for health, including stimulation of the skin.
He was at this time regarded as a brilliant officer by his superiors, including Prince William, then a lieutenant-general.
But those figures are regarded by many, including Russian soldiers, to be a gross underestimate.
The punishments were regarded by many as too harsh, including Kulesza, who resigned in protest.
Hungarian Studies is a field of study related to what can be regarded as "Hungarian", including language, literature, ethnology, culture, history or society.
While the Government has also begun to release snippets of biographical information about officials, much is still regarded as confidential - including birthdates.
During that period, the ARF regarded armed activity, including terror, as necessary for the achievement of political goals.
In the new international situation various production factors and components may be regarded as raw materials, including energy.
Libby's interest in the Ktarian version of the harp, the lal-shak, was regarded by everyone, including herself, as nothing more than a pleasant hobby.