The Harrison Ford character in "Regarding Henry" is absent the normal rage that any person should experience after a debilitating accident that caused brain damage.
His work appeared in the film "The Paper," as well as in "Regarding Henry," in which he had a cameo role - as himself.
She took a job on the set of Regarding Henry, as an extra, in a bid to gain experience and make some money.
The rest of "Regarding Henry" details his lengthy recovery, first in a rehabilitation facility, then at home and, finally, back at his office.
A number of recent films about men, from "Regarding Henry" to "The Doctor" to much of "Hook," have taken much the same attitude.
The film is the first big hit in years for Mike Nichols, after disappointments like "Regarding Henry" and "Wolf."
At the Bar: A real-life episode of "Regarding Henry."
In fact, the trailer for "Regarding Henry" seems longer than many films.
The title "Regarding Margie" is a reference to Regarding Henry.