She is black, light skinned with a regal carriage and big pouty lips, reminiscent of Nina Simone.
But the glitter that was expressed through her regal carriage and classical form made her grand pas de deux sharply outlined.
He was a fine-looking savage, tall and straight with a regal carriage.
Ms. Nichols is tall and beautiful, with wide, curving shoulders, long legs and a regal carriage.
He noted for the thousandth time the poise of that blond head, the almost regal carriage, the soft and graceful tread of the panther.
She had the same slender and almost regal carriage of her mother.
Slender and tall, with a regal carriage, she looked every inch a Countess-- or even a Queen, Alexandra thought.
At 52, Ms. Huppert surely possesses the most regal carriage of any actress working today.
(The device worked: as duchess she would be famed for her regal carriage.)
Callie was slightly above medium height with an erect, regal carriage.