Even though international law did not ban the transfer of prisoners of war through neutral waters, the German captain refused inspection.
On North Korea, would you continue to supply Pyongyang with oil, food and nuclear power plants while it refused inspection?
And they constantly emphasize their opposition to military action if Saddam refuses full inspection.
"They'll refuse inspection--Dukat's vessel is under diplomatic immunity."
"Perhaps, Sir," Venizelos said, allowing his smile to fade, "but if you choose to refuse inspection, you will be denied transit rights."
The U.S. should inform all its allies - real or pretended - that helping Iraq continue to refuse inspection, or in any other way, will be considered an act hostile to America's high national interests and we will no longer regard them as allies or true friends, real, pretend or would-be.
Once in port, Vorus was eventually arrested for disobedience after refusing inspection of the vessel without first receiving approval of Odyssey Explorers flag state, the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.
But eventually he was dismissed by the head of human resources, Ms Celia Staples, after he had allegedly asked for a raise to benefit from an insurance claim, threatened to sue for constructive dismissal otherwise and refused inspection of IT equipment at his house.
Pakistan has also refused international inspection of its nuclear installations, and American officials have made no secret of the fact that they are worried about whether Islamic radicals in its military or intelligence service could gain control of nuclear weapons.