It is more understandable from the Albanians, he said, who do not always refuse cooperation, but are suspicious.
But, she says, she did not disclose information harmful to anybody, and she refused further cooperation.
The amendment was rejected, after assurances from leaders that Turkey would get none of the aid if it refused further cooperation.
"If the city refuses cooperation, it would probably be settled in the courts."
The local archbishop met with the producers, lawyer at hand, refused cooperation, then personally ushered them out of the cathedral and off the premises.
Often hospitals and other medical authorities refused cooperation.
The officials said he also refused further cooperation and rejected hospitalization and counseling.
The Oregon law made provision for health care providers to refuse cooperation in doctor-assisted suicide.
And beginning an interview with a request for tape-recording could frighten a suspect into refusing cooperation.
The institutions at Texas Medical Center have so far refused close cooperation, however.