But the State Department has stopped issuing refugee visas to Soviet citizens until October, and the Bursalyans are stranded.
To stay would mean to lose their refugee visas and tickets to America - Alex's life chance.
As many as 90,000 Soviets, mostly Jews, might register for refugee visas this year.
The embassy issued 2,000 refugee visas in June, mostly to Armenians.
The official added, however, that because of the "notoriety" of Mr. Norde's request for a refugee visa, his application might be reconsidered.
Mr. Norde's initial request for a refugee visa from the United States, made on Nov. 5, went three months without a definitive reply.
There, after being interrogated, he said, Nureyev was granted a refugee visa.
If the exodus continues at the current rate, about 90,000 Soviet citizens, most of them Jews, will register for refugee visas this year.
Some of us in Congress have been working to increase the number of refugee visas and the level of funds to support this increase.
Long is largely remembered for his obstructionist role as the official responsible for granting refugee visas during World War II.