"We are not an army," said Ulrich von Blumenthal, one of the United Nations officials who oversees refugee operations in Honduras.
Ms. Lessing never mentions the huge amounts of United States aid that make the refugee operation in Pakistan not only possible but profitable.
Mr. Deutch said the Administration would seek an emergency appropriation from Congress when lawmakers return from vacation to cover the Haitian and Cuban refugee operations.
The State and Justice Departments also expect to spend up to a total of $70 million on the refugee operations.
Trained as an accountant, Mr. Bible originally left Australia to take a job in the Middle East with United Nations refugee operations.
Since joining MSTS, she has participated in several major troop and refugee operations.
Marlin Fitzwater, the White House spokesman, said there were also 6,800 American troops in southern Turkey working on the refugee operation.
From November 1991 to October 1994, the group supported Haitian refugee operations after the 1991 Haitian coup d'état.
The agency here is the United Nations' oldest and largest refugee operation.
Officials involved in the refugee operation say they expect that as many as 2,000 Haitians may eventually qualify to apply for asylum.