No one pretended to have reliable figures for the refugee flight.
Israeli official sources, foreign press, officials present at the time and historians have claimed that the refugee flight was instigated by Arab leaders.
The immediate causes for the refugee flight of 1948 before the advancing forces are disputed, and most historical accounts cite a combination of factors.
Belgrade seems to have several possible goals in closing its borders to refugee flight.
It's one of those refugee flights, but we could get you on it.
His mother and sisters were to arrive on another refugee flight from Germany in several days, he said.
To lessen that risk, Washington needs to tighten the pressure of sanctions and loosen the safety valve of refugee flight.
The end of the Cold War marked continued inter-ethnic conflict and contributed heavily to refugee flight.
Until today, United Nations officials assumed that the refugee flight would be manageable.
Captain Mallory herself warned us of random refugee flights.