The asylum issue has come to dominate domestic politics in Germany as more than 1,000 refugees enter the country per day.
More than 100,000 refugees from the former Yugoslav republics have entered Germany already this year.
These refugees often enter through the south of the reserve, and sometimes create more conflict integrating with the indigenous populations.
Following a dangerous path, the refugees fled into the mountains and entered the valley.
This was at a time when the refugees could not legally enter the United States itself in large numbers.
In 1990, 493 refugees and immigrants entered Canada from Algeria; last year the number grew to 1,914.
"We already know the ship's impressive," Jake said, hanging back as the refugees entered the corridor.
By the time Israel was established in 1948, as many as 50,000 refugees had entered the country legally or illegally.
An estimated ten million refugees entered India, a situation which contributed to its government's decision to intervene militarily in the civil war.
At the peak of admission to the United States, 168,000 refugees a year entered.