About 5,000 refugees crowded the 500 small rooms, some of them said.
Patients and refugees crowded around the Lizard with the fancy body paint and the hand-held electrified megaphone.
In the years leading up to the takeover by the Khmer Rouge, refugees crowded the cities and movie-going remained extremely popular.
The refugees crowded round, stretching out their hands to the warmth.
The EDF vessels were full to bursting with survivors; refugees crowded the decks, pressed into every storage bay.
The refugees crowded round her; and through the whole affair, to the very disastrous last, she showed an extraordinary martial ardour.
In the West, bombing had destroyed 5,000,000 houses and apartments, and 12,000,000 refugees from the east had crowded in.
Today 1,800 refugees from the war in Chechnya have crowded into this town, sleeping 40 to a room when sleep is a possibility.
Over a hundred thousand foreign refugees had crowded into the city since the war began, and the streets were a babble of strange dialects.
Patients and refugees crowded round the Lizard with the fancy bod paint and the handheld electrified megaphone.