But the future of the refuge system, a collection of 509 Federal preserves spread across 92 million acres nationwide, is not so secure.
If passed, the bill could encourage further efforts to dismantle the refuge system.
This makes a mockery of our entire refuge system.
It will in fact weaken the refuge system.
There are 38 units in the refuge system in California, including both wildlife refuges and wildlife management areas, divided into 9 different regional areas.
This act, passed into law in 1980, doubled the size of the country's national park and refuge system.
Mr. Turner said he believed the refuge system was in good shape.
Mr. Turner said the very nature of the refuge system posed problems.
The refuge system has been compromised by political expediency for decades.
The federal law that provides legal guidance for the management and public use of the refuge system spells out the priorities clearly, Ms. Martinkovic said.