Borderlanders are refreshingly open and straightforward.
But Mr. Moskowitz is unfazed, and to scholars and analysts who have wearied of what they call the "Freud wars," Other Press represents a refreshingly open and nondogmatic perspective.
By pitting rich against poor, Mr. Florio is practicing politics in a refreshingly open and honest way.
The one exception is a refreshingly open and relatively simple construction of an illuminated turquoise swimming pool under an electrically glowing Ping-Pong ball of a full moon.
Otherwise, the Globe praised Stone's competence, his "refreshingly open eye", and how the camera "swoops and lopes and circles."
The press corps extended him the benefit of the doubt, finding him refreshingly open and honest after Mr. Nixon, and his approval ratings soared - literally, from nowhere - to 70 percent.
A first novel and a coming-of-age story whose narrator, the 15-year-old daughter of an artist, is refreshingly open to ideas; when she tries to fly but fails, she wonders if she just went at it in the wrong way.
Vickie has a refreshingly open mind.
"Steve has been refreshingly open and available, not only accepting critical feedback but actually looking for it," said Laurie Flynn, executive director of the alliance.
For players it's a refreshingly open scenario that is great fun to explore.