Mr. Hertzberg, it is true, does mention in passing that major reform would be threatening to so many powerful interests, but doesn't sufficiently focus on this critical issue.
These reforms threatened the holdings of rich landowners in Italy.
The Soviet economy is collapsing, and economic reform threatens the livelihoods of millions of families.
The essence of good planning is meeting the needs of people, the economy and the environment - and these reforms are threatening that approach.
The reforms have been painful for ordinary Russians and threaten the hold of the old bureaucratic and industrial elite over the wealth of the country.
The chaotic structural reforms of some Member States, which are implemented without a concrete plan, threaten the stability of the entire EU.
Thus they were removed from control of censorship in 1751, and the educational reforms threatened their control over education.
Many Conservative Party criollos turned away when his reforms threatened to challenge the economic and social patterns of the colonial past.
While the Slovak question threatens the national unity of Havel's velvet revolution, economic reform threatens its social unity.
When aggressive reforms threaten his grip on power in Pakistan, the general adopts half measures, they say.