Instead we have to continue trying to get Congress to reform the law.
Congress has to reform the law to include home health employees.
During the 1970s - 1980s, there was a public debate about whether or not to reform the law in line with human rights principles.
Instead, the right to reform the law is the sole responsibility of religious leaders.
If that is the case, then it will be up to the legislature and the political parties to reform the law.
They also intended to reform the law of the press, but this never came to fruition.
Nothing else was done to reform the law relating to indictments until the early 20th century.
He should abandon the roadshow and spend more time in Washington working with those who want to reform the law.
Our best hope must be the continued effort of women and men to reform the law and thereby the culture.
We will reform the law so that pension funds belong to their members, not to employers.