Kimmuriel didn't press the point but rather motioned to the reflective pool excitedly.
This silent and steady gazing into a reflective pool would produce apparitions or visions.
The memorial stands on 26 hectares of garden surrounded by reflective pools.
To let light into the station, a reflective pool of water with glass panels outside the Singapore Management University was created.
It was originally surrounded by gardens and had a large reflective pool.
Particular features are the reflective pool and massive yew hedges.
From Sunday both footprints will be transformed into massive reflective pools with water falling 30 feet from their edges.
It all reminded her of the tomb of Alexander, with its pyramid and reflective pool.
The coins, of course, come from a human source: that almost automated response among Americans when they approach any kind of fountain or reflective pool.
Back at Ground Zero, as the last names were read out relatives assembled around the reflective pools.