By 1969, Philips had developed a videodisc in reflective mode, which has advantages over the transparent mode.
Usually the grating or the prism are used in a reflective mode.
But lately he has been in what his good friend and employer Hugh Hefner of Playboy magazine calls a more reflective mode.
"Happy Together" also makes strikingly effective use of contrasting black-and-white and color sequences that correspond to the movie's reflective and in-the-moment modes.
One sign of this heightened reflective mode lies in the book's repeated reference to fable and myth.
This is not as simple-minded as it sounds, because even in his reflective older mode, he hasn't abandoned all self-righteousness.
His early work - the first three collections were all prizewinning volumes - moved from a deep-image lyricism to a reflective and meditative mode.
DSM displays could be operated in transmissive and in reflective mode but they required a considerable current to flow for their operation.
Around midnight I was in the reflective mode and walked around the streets by myself.
Electro-optic displays can be realized with that effect in the transmissive and reflective mode of operation.