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Lovins advocated for more efficient light bulbs and reflective metals that increase the intensity of light produced.
Here, the wall was not flat; the reflective metal jutted out perhaps a millimeter or two.
Set in one wall was a plate of highly reflective metal.
Urban Bourbons (1988-95) focused on different methods of transferring images onto a variety of reflective metals, such as steel and aluminum.
As the viewer moves about the cup, the texture coordinates of the cup's vertices move accordingly, providing the illusion of reflective metal.
The city was different at noon; it changed throughout the day, colors and reflective metals mutating with the movement of light, shadows expanding and contracting.
Ms. DeJong's lips appear, six sets of them, shimmering against the reflective metal, which makes her flesh sparkle.
A mirror is usually made up of a coating of reflective metal, such as aluminum or silver, deposited on some rigidizer, such as glass.
The use of silver as the reflective layer is claimed to lead to higher efficiency levels, because it is the most reflective metal.
Its owner, Milford Graves, has covered it with an ornate mosaic of stones, reflective metal and hunks of discarded marble, arranged in cheery patterns.