The firm in its present form reflects the merger with Basel-based life insurer, Patria.
The figures reflected the fourth-quarter merger of Chemical with the Manufacturers Hanover Corporation, which resulted in a fourth-quarter restructuring charge of $625 million.
At that time, Lake Clifton High School was combined with Eastern High School to reflect the merger.
The signs were replaced with opaque, white ones by 2002 to reflect the merger with U.S. Bancorp.
The Mare Nostrum game project is current subdivided into two phases which reflects the original merger.
Year-ago results are restated to reflect the merger with A.H. Robins Co. on a pooling-of-interests basis.
Is there any chance the logo might be reworked to reflect the merger?
Reflecting the merger, Esko changed its name to EskoArtwork.
Hues reflected the merger, as Sports-Gymnastics Club players wore red - blue jerseys, and Lechita's footballers white - red.
The 1989 results were restated to reflect the merger with the A. H. Robins Company in Richmond.