The organisations say any deal on shipping emissions should be global and reflect differences between rich and poor countries' responsibilities for cutting greenhouse gases.
After the October 1998 election, the Department's name changed to the Department of Health and Aged Care to reflect its new responsibilities and functions.
It is hoped that the level of tutors' honoraria fairly reflects their responsibilities to students.
To reflect their greater responsibilities, MPs would be paid full-time professional salaries.
Alongside this, the Bank's management were given substantial additional powers, to reflect their increased responsibilities and independence.
Mr. Weingarten said tonight: "The letter simply reflects the department's responsibilities under the law.
Furthermore, I don't think the pay differentials in Grades 4 and above properly reflect the job's responsibilities.
The different viewpoints may reflect the two officials' different responsibilities.
It reflects our responsibilities for external assistance which have grown exponentially in recent years.
In 1971 the name of the agency was changed to the Department of Natural Resources to "better reflect its broader responsibilities."