The title reflects the group's identity as both a religious order and a military organization born in 1113, during the Crusades.
Children will be encouraged to trace their hands and add flourishes to reflect their own identity.
But for me, this revision would hardly reflect my racial identity.
The Israeli planners and architects involved in developing the area wanted the building to reflect their modern Western identity.
Inclusive language honors that each individual has a right to determine for themselves what self-referencing term is comfortable and best reflects their personal identity.
The club's name, crest and kit reflect its Portuguese identity.
Each organization's logo reflects its identity, and forms a sign of its function.
Paletas are not only a dessert but a way to reflect the Paleteros' own cultural identity.
Black Catholics want to express our faith, reflecting our unique identity and experiences.
Given that these fields relate to our civilisation and culture, they also reflect our identity.