Later, in her tiny cubicle at the top of the house she munched buns and reflected on the future.
He had no appetite, and did nothing but read tracts and reflect on the future.
She reflects on the wretched future for a child born to an addict: "What I could give it would not be a life."
I've been for a walk, reflecting on the future of the palace, and the Creator's work.
The remark appeared to reflect the administration's current intense focus on the political future of Afghanistan.
Franklin and Number One have a drink, and reflect on the future.
There is no doubt that a good number of Member States need to reflect on the future of their forests.
It is the perfect time to take stock of the situation, but also to reflect on the future of Community policy in this field.
If we are reflecting on the future of European agriculture, we must focus more attention on young farmers.
It is also the place to reflect on the long-term future of North-South relations.