So when Mr. Sauter proclaims that the stock market now reflects "irrational exasperation" that makes it a screaming buy, it is something of an event.
Reflecting exasperation with much of the American government, another option in the memo raises the possibility of using military reservists to "beef up" the Iraqi government's ministries.
Souter's dissent reflected considerable exasperation.
The statement appeared to reflect exasperation at the fact that the Serbs were able to kill 11 people with impunity on Sunday, firing a mortar into a Sarajevo suburb.
Tens of thousands were involved, and on crowded Midtown streets where the evacuees milled about, spikes of panic were observed - weeping, anger, even some fights - that seemed to reflect confusion, irritation and exasperation rather than fear, a kind of psychic reaction to the long days of high tension.
That proposal reflects more exasperation than political practicality, but in a time of stringency it lends weight to two notable suggested reforms: Curtail the scope of perennial parades, and insure that their sponsors pay a fair share of the cost.
In what seems to be a collective throwing up of hands, the proferred solutions to the problems of American schools reflect both exasperation and radical reaction.
Polly's letter ended on a note that seemed to reflect exasperation with Nella.
"I would like to see something that makes us look responsible," said Senator Pryor, his face reflecting exasperation.
But the concern over the mergers also reflects further exasperation among investors.