Relationship conflicts reflect disagreements and incompatibilities among group members about personal issues that are not task related, such as social event's gossip, and world news.
"Rather, the transcript reflects disagreements about labels."
The final communique of the meeting reflected continuing disagreements between the two countries, as Romania refused to side with the Soviets in their dispute with China.
The charter for the encyclopedia allows for rival articles on a single topic to reflect reasoned disagreements amongst scholars.
The interagency dispute reflects fundamental disagreements within the Administration over what role the Federal Government should play in meeting local transportation needs.
Methodological arguments may reflect deeper disagreements about stance, for example between empirical sociologists and ethnomethodologists.
He said the memorandums reflected disagreements within the company and said other documents might counter their assertions.
The split reflects disagreements among traditional Republican constituencies.
Experts on the P.L.O. say the ambiguities and inconsistencies in its public statements reflect deep internal disagreements.
But the United Nations, at its best and its worst, is a mirror of the world, reflecting its agreements and disagreements.