A moat followed the circumference of the castle wall, its murky water darkly reflecting the darkening sky.
"Blue Planet," the new album's most searching song, is a Nascimento-Brant collaboration that reflects darkly on the ultimate fate of humanity.
She picked up her drink and glanced at the blank black screen of the room's TV, from which her face darkly reflected.
In other monologues he reflects darkly on the evils of television.
Which could be ironic, Jehan reflected darkly.
A breastplate of deepest blue-black reflected darkly across his torso, while several large rubies winked crimson around the edges of the plate.
No need to hurry because he didn't want her to see what he might be doing, Elspeth reflected darkly as he opened the back door.
I could see myself reflected darkly in his sunglasses.
We walked slowly past the long wall, mostly in silence, seeing ourselves reflected darkly in the polished black granite, among the engraved names of 58,156 dead.
A rich crimson glow was the only color left in the night, stretched in streaks across the night sky, and reflecting darkly on the River.