There are about 2,300 Jewish cemeteries in Germany, reflecting centuries of Jewish presence in a country where more than 500,000 Jews lived before Hitler's rise to power.
The Office is a collection of psalms and scripture readings and hymns and special prayers that reflected centuries of religious tradition.
Additionally, Madison's work on the Bill of Rights reflected centuries of English law and philosophy, further modified by the principles of the American Revolution.
Religious images are used to some extent by all major religions, including both Indian and Abrahamic faiths, and often contain highly complex iconography, which reflects centuries of accumulated tradition.
Culverson put In, "That reflects centuries, millennia, of persecution, Mrs Farnsworth.
The "gangs" of this story aren't street gangs in the American sense, but groups that reflect centuries of ethnic strife and which are at war with one another, as well as with foreign forces.
But mutual suspicions run deep, reflecting centuries of stormy history, including Japan's invasion of China in the early 20th century and continuing incidents that inflame tempers on both sides.
Religious images are used to some extent by the Abrahamic Christian faith, and often contain highly complex iconography, which reflects centuries of accumulated tradition.
Its architecture reflects the late 19th and early 20th centuries.