Light reflects brightly off the sea, and it is one of the first things that a person in Southeast Alaska sees when they look outside.
As the sun rose the following morning, it reflected brightly from the lances of 500 Mexicans who surrounded the camp.
The blade reflected brightly in the eyes of the monster.
The lake, brightly reflecting the rays of the sun, lies to the left.
The crew described the lake as looking like a mirror, with the sun reflecting brightly off the surface.
I looked down at the other terraces whose windows brightly reflected the white light of the Arkon sun.
Outside it was dark, the house lights reflected brightly in the dark waters of the nearby lake.
The scene was like that of a skillfully executed painting, with the adjacent lake brightly reflecting the morning sun.
The sun reflected brightly off the surface of the water into the faces of Arnaut's men.
The moonlight reflected brightly, but this shape before them seemed a void of darkness in the night.